In 2024, iStrive made so many new connections and provided even more events for socialization and community integration. The Monmouth Race track has quickly become a fan favorite event. We had a beautiful sunny day in September where families could socialize, bet on favorite horses and relax and enjoy their lunches in our private picnic area.
In June we had a real treat attending ‘Shrek the Musical‘ at the Count Basie Theatre with an off-broadway cast! It was an experience to remember. We held a very successful Line Dancing event for the first time last year, where some of the attendees helped lead the others in learning the steps. It was amazing to watch how everyone came together to help each other and have lots of fun doing it!
Everyone enjoyed our annual Art Event, where we made pinecone bird feeders and spinners while listening to live music! We had several peer volunteers from Rumson-Fair Haven High School socializing and assisting our participants while they worked on their art projects. We love how our Art event naturally integrates following directions and fine motor skills.
It was another blast from the past at Retrograde Silverball Arcade! Attendees played old time pinball and arcade games with friends and family. Always a fun time!
As we look ahead to 2025, we are gearing up for more great social and educational events -check out our event and webinar line-up! We look forward to sharing more fun times and supporting families to help them secure the future for their loved ones with Special Needs!